Apache OpenWhisk, OpenWhisk and the OpenWhisk logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). The ASF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and as such, needs to take special care about how its trademarks are used by organizations. In particular, ASF needs to ensure that its software products are clearly distinguished from third-party products.
If you would like to provide software, services, events, or other products based on Apache OpenWhisk, please refer to the ASF trademark policy and FAQ. This page summarizes the key points of the policy, but please note that the official policy always takes precedence.
Written materials must refer to the project as “Apache OpenWhisk” in the first and most prominent mentions. Materials from software vendors or software-related service providers must follow stricter guidelines, including using the full project name “Apache OpenWhisk" in more locations, and proper trademark attribution on every page.
Logos derived from the OpenWhisk logo are not allowed.
Domain names containing “openwhisk” are not permitted without written permission from the Apache OpenWhisk PMC. To request permission, email private@openwhisk.apache.org and CC trademarks@apache.org. (Details)
We appreciate the community’s help in respecting these guidelines. If you have any questions about the Apache trademark policy, please email trademarks@apache.org.